Sunday 4 March 2012

My Week in Style

My newest video!

This is the first in (hopefully) a series of videos documenting my week in style. Since this blog is just starting out I am trying to decide on a regular posting schedule, at the moment you can expect to see 'My week in style' videos on Sunday, feature posts on Tuesdays, and a new illustration of my favourite outfit of the week on Fridays. This week has been a fairly busy one, hence the chilled out outfits on the weekend. I normally tend to dress up quite a lot for uni, as doing a fashion course means that everyone is fairly style conscious. I always feel better and more organised if I am happy in what I am wearing, and this week is a classic example of that. I think Thursday's outfit is probably the most 'dressy', due to the fact that I had a long day in the studio and knew I needed to get a lot done! On the other hand I think Tuesday's sunny day outfit is more relaxed, as I had a day off and spent it wasting the day away having a drink in the sun with friends; the perfect mid week stress cure.

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