Tuesday 13 March 2012

Hitting the Nail on the Head

So, not the most original of posts, but I have just had the first of many full day Tuesdays! Moving the random regular post to Wednesday now, much more convenient as I am finished and home by 1! This is a roundup of my favourite recent nail art looks. Nail art is something that I quite often do as I seem to have the Patience, and I find it brightens up my typically neutral coloured clothing choices. Although this is a bit lazy (using old images of my nails) it is pretty relevant, as yesterday we held the beauty photo shoots for our uni magazine project. The nails went particularly well, and the candy coloured multi patterned nails were a trial I did for this. Once I get my hands on the images from Yesterday I will post them on my tumblr. Will churn out another, more involved post tomorrow, possibly about how I am wearing (or attempting to wear) the trends right now. 

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